"Run... drink... and be HAPPY!"





  1. How do I get involved?
  2. Who is in charge of this?
  3. What is the point of this?
  4. When is the next run?
  5. Can I walk?
  6. Is this legal?


 Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get involved?

That's easy.  Come on down to the Roux House patio (behind the Shaw Center on 3rd St.) at 6:00 pm on any Tuesday night (rain or shine).  All you have to do is sign a waiver before you run, pay your $30 (you get a really cool running shirt), and then we recommend doing some stretching before we start running at 6:15.


Who is in charge of this?

2 Dumb Runners... (contact)


What is the point of this?

To give you something to do on a Tuesday night and to hopefully encourage you to stay active. It's a great way to meet other like-minded, active people in Baton Rouge.


When is the next run?

Tuesday. Have you not been paying attention?


Can I walk?

Of course you can walk. And if that's not your thing either, then have someone wheel you over so you can participate in Jack's Virtual Running Club.


Is this legal?

You're still talking about running, right? In that case, yes. We do ask that everyone still follow traffic laws and stay on the sidewalks when possible.