"Run... drink... and be HAPPY!"




 Member Profile - Get to know an HRC'er

~ If you would like to be our member of the week (or you would like to nominate someone) then email us @ contactus@happysrunningclub.com and we will give you all of the details ~


 Douglas Swenson


1) Where are you from?
            Sun, Louisiana (It’s a real town, look it up.)
2) How did you hear about HRC?
            A few of my friends ran and invited me out when the group first started.
3) What do you like to do in your free time? / Do you have any hobbies?
            What’s free time? I guess my hobbies are running, biking and hanging out with friends.
4) What would we find in your refrigerator right now?
            Two Sam Adams, a Smithwicks, a twelve pack of Yuengling and some food type stuff.
5) Favorite food?
            Spaghetti and meatballs.
6) Tell us a random fact. 
            I have a Compuserve e-mail account. Yeah, they still have Compuserve!
And even though you didn’t ask, crunchy peanut butter is the only way to go.


 Joe Wills

Where are you from?
Texas born, Louisiana raised

What do you do (school/work)?
Law, teaching, facilitation, fitness instructor 

How did you hear about HRC?
Saw them running down 3rd Street when I was leaving the YMCA

Favorite thing about HRC?
Diversity of speeds, shapes, and ages.

 What do you like to do in free time/hobbies?
Running, reading, photography 

Something interesting about yourself?
I won a 134 mile race (running) around Lake Pontchartrain 

What is your favorite drink?
Diet Coke & Beer (not together & not necessarily in that order)

Beach or snow?

what's your favorite place to travel?
Pensacola Beach, Texas Hill Country

what's your favorite place in LA?
My land, “The Park” in the country near Clinton.

where did you go to college?

What book are you reading?
Back to Carthage

Favorite Magazine?

Favorite Movie?

Favorite quote?
“If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing in excess” 

Favorite type of food?
Ice Cream (home-made; preferably with fresh peaches from one of my peach trees)

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Able to leap 10K’s in a single bound

Any nicknames?
Only from intimate friends

3 things you cannot live without?
Annie (my wife), Mobility (running/walking/wheel-chairing), Outdoors

Stuck on a deserted island, and you can bring one thing?

Cruchy or creamy peanut butter?

 Rorry Bell


Where are you from?
, Louisiana              

What do you do (school/work)?
Staff  Sergeant in the Army National Guard, and full-time student (forever undergraduate)

How did you hear about HRC?
Through the internet 

Favorite thing about HRC?
The groups of people from the community with a common interest 

Something interesting about yourself?
Iraq War Veteran 

What is your favorite drink?

What's your favorite place to travel?

what's your favorite place in LA?
LSU Campus

What book are you reading?
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (for the past 8 years)

Favorite Magazine?
Mens Health

Favorite Movie?
Die Hard

Favorite quote?
"Independence is the only gauge of human virtue and value. What a man is and makes of himself; not what he has or hasn't done for others. There is no substitute for personal dignity."
~The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Favorite type of food?

Last CD you bought?
Bush, Razorblade Suitcase (I think)

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
The one from the movie “Jumper”

Any nicknames?

3 things you cannot live without?
Running, Friends, and Family

What shoes do you run with?
Nike Pegasus  

Cruchy or creamy peanut butter?


 Johnny Ahysen


Where are you from?

What do you do (school/work)?  WORK 

How did you hear about HRC?  Friends Scott & Michael


Favorite thing about HRC?
Forces me to get out and “do the two” 

What do you like to do in free time/hobbies?
Fish, flying, travel, boating 

Something interesting about yourself?
I am a square dance caller!

What is your favorite drink?
Mai Tai 

Beach or snow?

What's your favorite place to travel?

What book are you reading?
The Rule of Four

Favorite Movie?
All Si-Fi movies!!

Favorite quote?
What happens to you in life doesn’t matter.  How you DEAL with what happens to you is what counts!

First thing you do when you wake up?
hit ‘snooze’!!

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Time travel!

Any nicknames?
None that will be printable!

3 things you cannot live without?
Friends, family, the gulf coast!

Cruchy or creamy peanut butter?

 Ami Parks

Where are you from?
Baton Rouge born & raised

What do you do (school/work)?
Work at PBRC; also in school at LSU working on MPA

How did you hear about HRC?
Conrad Earnest told me about one day after he saw me & Kristin running downtown

Favorite thing about HRC?
So many great things…the people are great, I have made many new friends, I also love running downtown, and of course, pizza &  beer

What do you like to do in free time/hobbies?
What is free time?  I play tennis, read, running all part of free time activities (outside school & work)

Something interesting about yourself?
I am a huge NASCAR fan!  I consider myself the “new face of NASCAR!” (is that interesting or sad)?

What is your favorite drink?
Chocolate milk – I have a small glass every morning

What's your favorite place in LA?
I have 3: 1. Top of the state capitol building;  2. LSU on Saturday home game; 3. The LSU lakes early on a Saturday just after I finish a run  

What book are you reading?
The Philosopher’s Apprentice by James Morrow

Favorite Magazine?

Favorite Movie?
The Princess Bride

Favorite quote?
“If it was easy, everyone would do it.”  - John Parks (my dad)

Favorite type of food?
Chocolate…my philosophy is, “if it isn’t chocolate, it isn’t worth it.”

Beach, Mountains, or city?

3 things you cannot live without?
Hmmm…1. A good book  2. Lotion/moisturizer   3. chocolate

What shoes do you run with?
Asics Gel Nimbus

Cruchy or creamy peanut butter?


 Jeremy Jillson

Where are you from?
Pineville, LA

What do you do (school/work)?
Surgical Tech/Heart Cath Lab OLOL

How did you hear about HRC?
Flyer in the bar

What do you like to do in free time/hobbies?

What is your favorite drink?
Wynchwood’s Hobgoblin

Beach or snow?

What's your favorite place in LA? 
Death Valley 

What book are you reading?
“Into the Wild”  Jon Krakauer

Favorite type of food?
Anything with gravy

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
To fly so I wouldn’t have to be stuck in Baton Rouge traffic

Any nicknames?
EZ Thin

3 things you cannot live without?
Rachel, Uncle Blakey, good beer

Stuck on a deserted island, and you can bring one thing?
My woman

What shoes do you run with?
Adidas Adizeros

Cruchy or creamy peanut butter?